". . . you must do two things above all others: read a lot and write a lot. There's no way around these two things . . . ." ~ Stephen King

Thursday, September 4, 2014

RUBRIC - Essay #1 - Fall 2014

FYI: An "A" paper contains exemplary language, correct usage, and keen insight. Though these traits are ideal, they are often the ones that separate a paper that is exceptional or outstanding from a paper that is merely very good

·                CORRECT MLA FORMAT - 10 pts.
~ Correct header
~ Correct heading
~ Title is in correct placement, font
~ Double spaced
~ Correct margins

·                Introduction - 15 pts.
~ Interesting/adequate opening; uses a definite strategy, provides any needed background
~ Thesis statement is:
                        clearly worded
                        focus for paper
                        forceful, deliberate, strategically placed

·                Body Paragraphs - 25 pts.
~ support thesis statement
            ~ contain an implied or explicit topic sentence
~ fully developed with necessary details, examples, explanation, development that are “real,” clear, concrete and specific

·                Coherence, Organization & Unity - 25 pts.
~ information is in a logical, interesting order & sequence
            ~ no illogical OR unnecessary statements to distract
            ~ paper is fluent; flows with adequate transitions
            ~ ideas are easily followed

Reminder:  Grammar and mechanics go hand in hand with coherence and unity; failure in one area can contribute to failure in another area.
·                Grammar & Mechanics - 15 pts.
~ At the LEAST, the essay has NO:
                                    misspelled OR misused words
                                    fragments OR comma splices OR run-on sentences
                                    faulty tense shifts
                                    pronoun/antecedent errors
                                    vague pronoun references

·                Conclusion - 10 pts.
~ avoids cliché, trite opening such as “In conclusion”
~ Intelligent, relevant, compliments the paper
            ~ leaves reader with positive impression of composition as a whole

In addition to the above, one point will be deducted for every incorrect homonym or incorrect sound-alike word that is used in the paper. Do NOT rely solely on spell check. Engage thought and proof-reading!!  If you’re not sure whether it’s the correct word, FIND OUT.  Following are some of the more common and creative examples:

Closes/clothes                           weather/whether
Wear/were/where                      vicious/viscous
Its/it’s                                       definitely/defiantly
Their/there/they’re                     deaf/death



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