". . . you must do two things above all others: read a lot and write a lot. There's no way around these two things . . . ." ~ Stephen King

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Participation Rubric

Class Attendance is important, but it is only the start of a successful college career. In order to get as much as possible out of a class, you must ACTIVELY participate, not sit passively while someone else does the learning.  

25 pts.
20 pts.
15 pts.
0-10 pts. & below
Attends class regularly – with no more than 1 absence at mid-term; usually prompt & professional
Attends class regularly; no more than 1 absence at mid-term; professional & seldom tardy
Attends class regularly; may have more than 2 absences at this point; professional
Has missed more than 2 days and often presented as unprofessional
Level of Active Engagement
Proactive in class; contributes with ideas, questions, observations; answers questions; treats classmates & professor with courtesy
Contributes to class; frequently offers comments, answers & asks questions; treats classmates & professor with courtesy
Offers some observations and answers questions now and then or when called on; treats classmates & professor with courtesy
Rarely contributes to class by offering ideas or asking questions. primarily a non-participant. Does not add to class discussion, but sits silently.
Listening Skills
Listens when others talk; builds on others’ ideas; involves others in class by asking questions or seeking others’ responses
Listens then others talk; frequently builds on ideas of others.
Listens when  others talk, but does not respond to ideas
Often does not listen when others talk; often distracted by his/her own agenda—e.g., the internet, studying for another class, talking to peers, when inappropriate
Almost always prepared for class, with assignments and required class materials
Usually prepared for class
Frequently prepared for class
Seldom prepared

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