". . . you must do two things above all others: read a lot and write a lot. There's no way around these two things . . . ." ~ Stephen King

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

MLA Format and Practice Writing; Week 1, Day 2

Last name 1

First and Last Name
Mrs. Sharon Aiken
English 1101-
              Anyone who is a professional has a protocol that is followed and a standard means of recording information. Though not an essay, his/her colleagues anticipate a consistent presentation. This is true when writing formal essays for college English, and failure to follow the standard MLA format can cost valuable points on an essay.  This is an example of a paper set up in MLA format, with 1-inch margins all around, 12 pt. plain font, page numbers and header, the left-hand side heading, the title, and the opening paragraph, preceded by a Title.
              Directions in achieving this format in Ms. Word:
  • ·       Open a new word document and go to the “Insert” heading at the top of page; click on  “Page Number,” select “Top  of Page,” and choose the third option. The number will appear on the upper right of your page, approximately ½ inch from the top. To the left of the number, type your last name.
  • ·       Double click on the body of the page; your last name and the page number become “ghosts.” If you have not done so already, find the “Paragraph” tab, near the top middle of the page. Select the option of the lines, with arrows pointed up and down. There is a small arrow to the right of the lines, click on this arrow and select line spacing for your paper, as 2.0. Now your paper will be double-spaced throughout, as it should be.
  • ·       Move your cursor to the top left line of the page (you should be 1 inch from the top of the page) Type your first and last name.  On the next line, your English professor’s name. The course name and section. Finally, the date. These four lines complete the heading.
  • ·       Press Enter and center your title on the next line. DO NOT add any extra line spaces, and note that the Title of your paper [and yes, you must have a title for every paper] is in plain, 12 pt. font, as is your entire paper. Your title SHOULD NOT  be larger, underlined, bold-faced, in a different font. The goal is to look professional.
  • ·       Begin your paper on the next line, by indenting the first paragraph. This is not a business letter. You are expected to indent paragraphs. DO NOT add extra line spaces between paragraphs.

To make sure you understand MLA format and to refresh your writing skills, choose one of the quotes below and respond to it in a one-page, practice essay in MLA format. Do hand it in at the end of class; this is part of your Class Participation.

·       "It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity.” ~ Albert Einstein

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