". . . you must do two things above all others: read a lot and write a lot. There's no way around these two things . . . ." ~ Stephen King

Friday, November 7, 2014

How to Use Easybib

The best thing you can do is to try and keep working with easybib until you have figured it out. These directions should help:

EasyBib Directions for creating a correct entry from the textbook

Go to easybib.com

Choose “All 59 Options”

From the list, select Chapter/Anthology – that refers to a chapter in an anthology

A form comes up on the next page. Go ahead and enter the title of your textbook

Another form will appear, asking you to complete the information

Do not change the pre-selected information. These articles were collected and re-printed in this book, but were not originally from another text

Next type the chapter/essay  title into the form

For contributors, you need to select the SECTION AUTHOR and provide his/her name--- then you need to select the SOURCE EDITOR and place her name AND select another contributor to add the name of the second editor

Complete the remainder of the boxes. Be sure to add the edition of the book and all other information necessary. Publisher, location, and date can be found on the back of the title page

Once this is complete and accurate, create your citation. This will come up in a separate page

Go ahead and create ALL your works cited at the same time

When you finish, export your page to a Word Document, where all you will need to do is add your name and page number in the upper right

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