". . . you must do two things above all others: read a lot and write a lot. There's no way around these two things . . . ." ~ Stephen King

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The Next Assignment

Before completing this assignment, you might want to view the 10 min. video interview of Amy Chua: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ShYDKsjDElA

Assignment: Compare the mothering style that Amy Chua suggests with your own experience as either a mother (if you have children) or as a son or daughter

First: read Chua's essay carefully, making note of points that were part of your upbringing, though handled in a different way by your parent(s)

Next: set up a comparison/contrast chart based on Amy Chua's "Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior" and your own experience; this should be detailed so that you could write an initial rough draft from the information:

[Please note that you WILL need more space than the chart below allows. You can set this up as a table in "landscape" orientation in Ms. Word

Common Points of                          Amy Chua's                          My Parent/Guardian's
Parenting                                         Position                                 Position




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